#22 Orville Peck Redemption

art 5000

I redrew my Orville Peck/Malagueña masterpiece so I hope the Barcelona thief sees this drawing and takes solace knowing I can still doodle sans notebook.

(You little f***)

Going to start writing on Medium instead of of Squarespace because the domain renewal is €€. Bought a laptop charger off Leboncoin which is like Craigslist except the user interface doesn’t look like 2003. Nothing against 2003 though…that year I started kindergarten. I remember Mikey talking to me during class and when I tried to give an eloquent 5 year old response Ms. Franzman shushed me. I wanted to express my innocence yet when I looked over Mikey was unironically shushing me too. In that moment I had never hated anyone more.

(You little s***)

Damn, a lot of anger in this post.

Much disgust,




Charlie Lahud-Zahner

“Here and there — now and then — to this one and that one — a benign but mischievous creature — very fond of rumpots, crackpots, and how are you, Mr. Wilson?”